Pharaoh's Daughter


Names and Places (1)


The Egyptian name for Egypt. It means "Black Land" because of the mud deposited by the annual flooding of the Nile. Upper Egypt, where the Nile is bordered on both sides by desert, was known as Red Land.

Great Hapi

Egyptian name for the Nile. It means "sweet water".


An ancient name for the Hebrew people.

Ramesses the Great

A famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. He was also known as Ramesses II.

Egypt's longest reigning pharaoh, he lived to age 96.


The city built by Ramesses the Great in the delta. No ruins of the city remain, and its location is uncertain.


The name of the region of Egypt where the Hebrews lived.


The 12-year-old girl who narrates Part 1 of the story.

In Part 2, she is about 27 years old, and she has become a priestess with a new name, Meryetamun.


The 15-year-old boy who narrates Part 2 of the story. He is Almah's younger brother.

In Part 1, he is a baby called Yekutiel.


Ima / Yocheved

Ima means "mother" in Hebrew.

The name of Almah's mother is Yocheved.

Abba / Amram

Abba means "father" in Hebrew.

The name of Almah's father is Armam.

Meryetamun / Batya

The princess who adopts the baby Moses. She is the daughter of Ramesses the Great and Queen Nefertari.

In Part 2, she is given the Hebrew name Batya.

Queen Nefertari

First Great Royal Wife of Ramesses the Great.

She is the mother of Princess Meryetamun.

Queen Asetnefret

The Second Royal Wife of Ramesses.

She is one of the main antagonists of the story.


A high-ranking Khemetian; he is the son of the tjet (prime minister).


The goddess of childbirth who was depicted with the body of a hippopotamus, the head of a crocodile, and the feet of a lion.

Eset (Isis)

An Egyptian goddess often depicted with wings. Today she is better known by her Greek name, Isis.


Egyptian goddess of song and dance.


Musical instrument associated with the goddess Hathor.

Hor (Horus)

The Egyptian god of the sky, often depicted as a man with the head of a falcon. Today he is better known by his Greek name, Horus.


The ancient Egyptian sun god.

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