Narrative Tense and POV


Point of View (Review 2)

Let's review the five different points of view:

1st Person

“I” am telling the story.

2nd Person

"You" are the main character in the story.

3rd Person Objective

  • The story is about other people (he, she, they).
  • The reader does not have direct access to the thoughts or feeling of any of the characters.

3rd Person Limited

  • The story is about other people (he, she, they).
  • Only the thoughts and feelings of the main character are revealed (although the reader may be able to infer the thoughts and feeling of other characters by their actions or facial expressions).

3rd Person Omniscient

  • The story is about other people (he, she, they).
  • The author reveals the thoughts and feelings of all the characters, as if God himself were telling the story.


Instructions for the Quiz

Determine the narrator's POV. There are five choices.
