

Create a Writing Portfolio

A portfolio is a binder (or something similar) where you keep examples of your best work.

In this lesson, you're going to create a writing portfolio.

Lesson Steps

  1. Make sure that you are logged into your school account.
    • If you haven't already done so, open up a browser window and login to Google using your SFUSD Gmail and password.
  2. Click on this link. (Opens in a new window.)
  3. Click on the blue button that says Make a copy.
  4. Edit the file name that appears in the top-left corner of your browser window.
    • Where it says Copy of Your Name (Writing Portfolio), erase "Copy of Your Name" and write your own name, like this:
      • John Smith (Writing Portfolio)
  5. Share the document with me.
    • Click on the blue Share button in the top-right corner of your document.
    • Share the document with me by adding my name. (Type in "tefel" and you'll see my name pop up). Make sure that I'm listed as an editor (and not just a viewer or commenter).
    • Click Done.
    • Go back to the blue Share button.
    • This time, click on Copy link (in the bottom-right corner of the pop-up box).
    • The link to your document is now on your clipboard (your computer's short-term memory). I want you to send that link to me in an email.
      • Open a new browser window and go to the waffle.
      • Open up your Gmail.
      • Address a new email to me.
      • In the body of your email, paste in the link to your writing portfolio.
      • Click Send.

Self Check

Did you:
  • create a writing portfolio?
  • personalize the file name?
  • share your writing portfolio with me?
  • send me the link to your writing portfolio?