Frequently Asked Questions























































































































Estimating Your Points

200 points is roughly equal to:

  • 40 Typing Club lessons, or
  • 20 Quia quizzes, or
  • 4 pages of writing, or

some combination of the above.

100 points is roughly equal to:

  • 20 Typing Club lessons, or
  • 10 Quia quizzes, or
  • 2 pages of writing, or

some combination of the above.






To estimate your points for written work:

So, you can count the number of words and divide by 5.

Or, you can divide by 10 and then double it. Dividing by 10 is easy because you just move the decimal point one notch to the left. (Then double it to get your points).

That still leaves the question: How do you count words?

Writers use the following rule of thumb:


For a more exact count, you could paste your text into a Google Doc, then go to "Tools".

Or, you can do what I do. I use a Chrome extension called Word Counter Plus.