Country Report (Pro)


3rd Source in Works Cited Page (Screencastify)

Read the key points, and then watch the video:

Key Points:

    1. Author
    2. Title of Article
    3. Name of Website
    4. Date the Article was published
    5. Web
    6. Date you saw the article
    7. URL

Write Your 3rd Body Paragraph

It's time to write your 3rd body paragraph.

If you haven't yet found a block quote, this is your last chance. Your paper must have at least one block quote!

Once again, follow the instructions.

Lesson Steps


Use Google to find a third source that supports your thesis.


Put that source into your Works Cited page right away.

Did you forget how? Follow the instructions here.

5 Congratulations! You're done with this lesson.

Instructions for the Quiz

Answer the questions.
