Country Report (Con)


Write Your Introduction

Here is a formula for the introduction to your "con" paper.

Here is the skeleton of the formula:

Some people think that __________ is a great place to go on vacation. However, the truth is that __________ is overrated. __________; __________, and ___________. __________ is a horrible vacation destination.


Written as a paragraph, it looks like this:

Some people think that France is a great place to go on vacation. However, the truth is that France is overrated. The people are stinky; the food is expensive, and the subways are overcrowded. France is a horrible vacation destination.


Write your introduction by filling in the blanks.

Some people think that __________ is a great place to go on vacation. However, the truth is that __________ is overrated. __________; __________, and ___________. __________ is a horrible vacation destination.
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